Hargopal Kaur Khalsa

Hargopal Kaur Khalsa

Hargopal Kaur studied Physics to make sense of what is. That questioning mind led her to Kundalini Yoga and the wisdom of Yogi Bhajan’s teachings. There was a deeper recognition and an actual experience that “what is” is all interconnected – traveling from theory to knowing. The next step was Sat Nam Rasayan, taught by Guru Dev Singh. This ancient healing modality is based on emptiness, called shunya. Diving into emptiness, while actually taking quite a lot of meditative commitment, has made it possible to engage and catch glimpses of both the known and unknown. Or at the least, to take steps in that direction. The universe then pointed Hargopal in the direction of family constellations, a systemic approach to healing trauma and injustice that was developed by Bert Hellinger. With opportunities to teach and provide private healing sessions, Hargopal continues her journey, opening to what was, what is, and what will be.